Ankündigung einer Virtuellen Parallelwelt bzw. eines parallelen Universums.
"Imagine what a video game will be like in 1000 years.. and then make it."
Mehr dazu hier:
The Universe Project - Imagine what a video game will be like in 1000 years.. and then make it.
"Creating the most ambitious computer game in history"
Und hier:
Creating the most ambitious computer game in history
Wir werden sehen, ob das Produkt den vollmundigen Ankündigungen standhalten kann...
"Imagine what a video game will be like in 1000 years.. and then make it."
Mehr dazu hier:
The Universe Project - Imagine what a video game will be like in 1000 years.. and then make it.
"Creating the most ambitious computer game in history"
Und hier:
Creating the most ambitious computer game in history
Wir werden sehen, ob das Produkt den vollmundigen Ankündigungen standhalten kann...