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Broken Media in latest SL Viewer release

Oct 26, 14:47 PDT
Investigating - With the release of the Apple Notarization Viewer there were updates to many of the viewer’s third party libraries. Unfortunately, some of these updates have led to in-world issues related to playback of certain media types. MP3s and MP4s are currently affected, and possibly other media types. We apologize to those who are experiencing these issues and are working on a fix.


On Windows, uninstall the Second Life viewer the usual way through Windows Settings > Apps & features. Then open the "Program Files" folder, or "Program Files (x86)" if running 32-bit Windows, on your computer and delete the "SecondLifeViewer" folder. Download the Second Life installer from https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ and install it.

On Mac, download the Second Life installer from https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ and install it. Note that an Apple notarization error message may appear the first time that Second Life is launched. This page explains how to work through it. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/sup...shooting-second-life-installation-on-mac-os-x


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