Franko Box
ich bitte Euch folgen JIRA issue zu unterstützen.
[#XSL-17] Discrimination in the XStreetSL Uncensored Warning/Disclaimer - Second Life Issues
Auf XstreetSL Seite , steht folgendes :
You are about to be redirected to Xstreet SL Uncensored.
The adult content within this site is intended for ADULTS ONLY (18 years of age or older). If you are not of legal age or do not wish to view materials of a sexually-explicit nature or you are offended by transgender images or topics, then please click CANCEL now. If you continue on to view any adult content within this website, you are stating the following:
1. I am an adult over the age of 18 years.
2. I will not allow anyone under the legal age, stated in 1. above, to access any of materials labelled Mature.
3. I am viewing mature content of this site willingly and I understand that by doing so I will be exposed to materials of a sexually-explicit nature.
Steht auf und wehrt euch gegen Ausgrenzungen aller Art
[#XSL-17] Discrimination in the XStreetSL Uncensored Warning/Disclaimer - Second Life Issues
Auf XstreetSL Seite , steht folgendes :
You are about to be redirected to Xstreet SL Uncensored.
The adult content within this site is intended for ADULTS ONLY (18 years of age or older). If you are not of legal age or do not wish to view materials of a sexually-explicit nature or you are offended by transgender images or topics, then please click CANCEL now. If you continue on to view any adult content within this website, you are stating the following:
1. I am an adult over the age of 18 years.
2. I will not allow anyone under the legal age, stated in 1. above, to access any of materials labelled Mature.
3. I am viewing mature content of this site willingly and I understand that by doing so I will be exposed to materials of a sexually-explicit nature.
Steht auf und wehrt euch gegen Ausgrenzungen aller Art