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What We Do
We provide resources:
One of the first things that an organization realizes in their research in setting up a presence in a virtual world is the expense and the time involved for what has yet to be proven as a “good return”. The expenses for an organization just to get started can be considerable. We know. Most of us have been there.
The Four Bridges Project provides space, venues, streams, buildings, furniture, assistance with training, etc. in a beautifully maintained environment. We share volunteers, ideas, projects, and knowledge – all of the resources necessary to test your presence in the virtual world in the best way possible.
We have multiple event centers.
The Four Bridges events centers have each been created with different purposes in mind. We all know that not one venue works for every event so we have created several venues – one of which is bound to be perfect for your needs.
Our Main Stage area crosses SIMs which allows for many more avatars for the larger events. Our auditorium has been beautifully crafted for speakers, film showings, and would serve well as a playhouse. We also offer outdoor venues and the incredible Imagine Nest designed by AuroKyo Insoo, one of Second Life’s most treasured artists.
We have 3 streams available.
The Four Bridges Project maintains 3 streams for her members use. We have 2 that easily carry 100 listeners for small events and another that carries up to 1000 for those larger events. You need only reserve the stream when you reserve the venue through the calendar.
We facilitate collaborations.
The Four Bridges Project provides information regarding collaborative efforts of our member organizations’ projects as well as designing collaborative projects and events as Four Bridges projects. We are a clearinghouse of information and ideas with a center established to provide a space for our organizations to list their ongoing projects and seek collaborations.
Mostly, we're about community: building it, sharing it, and sustaining it.
Ideas are ever emerging. Goals are being reevaluated based on new knowledge. It's exciting, it's overwhelming....and it's home.
I hope that if you're not a will be.