Daniel Regenbogen
Momentan gibt es Berichte, dass einige Mainland-Regionen plötzlich 22.500 (full) oder 5.000 (Homestead) Prims erlauben. Auf Nachfrage kam dies hier via Patch Linden:
"Hi! Over the next couple of days there will be some changes coming. The deploy will happen in stages. So as you see these changes rest assured it is normal and is happening as intended.
On November 3, we will post an official blog along with a video where I will have all of the information and details regarding these changes.
Keep an eye on the Official Blog, on Thursday for more info."
Na hoffentlich nicht nur auf Mainland! (Bei meinem kleinen 512er Mainland-Grundstück hat sich noch nichts geändert.)
"Hi! Over the next couple of days there will be some changes coming. The deploy will happen in stages. So as you see these changes rest assured it is normal and is happening as intended.
On November 3, we will post an official blog along with a video where I will have all of the information and details regarding these changes.
Keep an eye on the Official Blog, on Thursday for more info."
Na hoffentlich nicht nur auf Mainland! (Bei meinem kleinen 512er Mainland-Grundstück hat sich noch nichts geändert.)