Bei mir kam vor Kurzem noch beim Laden des Viewers der Hinweis, dass ich eine alte Version benutze und updaten kann. Jetzt ist das weg. Und es zeigt mir meine Version 6.6.14 als "aktuell" an. Also werde ich einfach abwarten..
Auf der website von FS kann man übrigens das hier lesen jetzt aktuell:
Dear Firestormers,
As many of you know firsthand, a couple of bugs snuck through into the recent viewer release, Firestorm 6.6.16. In particular, there’s a bug in Firestorm’s built-in AO (animation overrider) that is affecting many people.
We very rarely issue “hotfixes,” but because this bug is affecting so many, we are removing the viewer download from our web site and working on a new build with the AO bug fixed. If possible and if time allows, we will also include fixes for a couple of new inventory bugs.
Meanwhile, we encourage anyone affected to revert to Firestorm 6.6.14 if you wish.
Why Are There So Many Bugs?
Software always has bugs, but we try to catch as many as possible during testing. In this case, Linden Lab recently made changes to inventory code in order to bring us the fantastic new inventory preview feature (totally fabulous–thank you, LL!). We inherited the new code, but we failed to catch some of the bugs that crept in during the process, so that is on us. Known issues include the inventory window sometimes jumping to the top, and difficulty renaming folders.
How Long Will This Take?
We can never commit to a specific release date, but we are working on this like mad and hope to have a new build out “very soon”! We encourage anyone interested to join our in-world testing group,
Phoenix-Firestorm Preview Group.
Thanks for your patience,
The Firestorm Team