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SD003 Linked Prim Controller ?? wtf

Da das Ding ein Nischenprodukt ist, du die Hilfenotecard nicht zur Verfügung stellst und auch nicht sagst was du eigentlich machen willst, wird es etwas schwer dir zu helfen.

Schon mal den Ersteller gefragt?
der Ersteller sagt NC aber die ist ja mal für den müll... oder es ist so komisch beschreiben...

Also ich möchte auf etwa 50-70 prims Den Color/textur....etc....Drauf machen nur weiß ich nicht wie ich das machen soll? mit den 50-70 prims das ist ziemlich Komisch Beschreiben......und ich glaub auch ziemlich komisch beschreiben von mir :S hoffe du verstehst es :)

Bekomme sPolr ding nicht hin :S sry

SD Linked Prim Controller Script
- Version : 3.8 (Release Date : 12 November 2010)
- Product Number : SD003

Designed and Developed by Socool Destiny.
• Inworld Store ▸▸▸ ��
• Second Life Marketplace ▸▸▸ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/23628

Thank you for choosing the SD Linked Prim Controller Script.

Table of Contents

1. Key Features

2. What is in the package?

3. Using the LPCS(Linked Prim Controller Script)
3.1 Installation Procedure
3.2 Using an option menu
(1) Using the "Menu Lock" function
(2) Using the "Revert Size" function
(3) Using the "Delete" function
(4) Using the "Access" function
3.3 How to set "User Access Control" function?
3.4 How to hide an option menu?
3.5 How to control root prim?

4. Setting up "_config" notecard configuration
4.1 How to set USE or UNUSE of function?
4.2 How to set MAIN MENU LABEL?
4.3 How to set target for controlling?
(1) All Prims
(2) Individual(This) Prim
(3) Group Prims
[Useful Tip] How to use a Tag Function?
4.4 What is "Option Label" and "Option Value"?
4.5 How to set Texture Option Value?
4.6 How to set Texture Option Label?
4.7 How to set Color option value?
4.8 How many options can be used on the pop-up menu?

5. Additional Setup Guide for power user
5.1 How to use "Remote Control" function?
(1) Setting up "_config_RemoteControl" notecard
(2) Installation Procedure
5.2 How to use "Simultaneous Control" function?
5.3 How to use "Custom Menu" function?
5.4 How to use "HUD control" function?
(1) HUD Setup
(2) Remote Object Setup
5.5 How to use "Texture Face Control" function?
5.6 How to use "SD_LPE05_LNgiver" extension script?
5.7 How to use "SD_LPE06_WalkSoundControl" extension script?
5.8 How to use "SD_LPE07_PhotoChanger" extension script?

6. Troubleshooting
6.1 Script does not working
6.2 "Found incorrect configuration in the _config. There is no colon:)) letter in 116 line." error message
6.3 Scale of root prim does not change when resizing
6.4 Menu does not show up
6.5 I can't find extension script
6.6 "Updater" does not work
6.7 What is UUID?
6.8 "Setup Unstable!(Memory isn't enough)" alert message
6.9 "Script run-time error" and "Stack-Heap Collision" error message
6.10 When I choose texture, turns gray

7. Tip and Tech
7.1 Fast loading of _config.
7.2 Don't copy through SHIFT+DRAG at inworld after finishing setup
7.3 Finding the value of a face

* Free Update
* Contact
* License
* Revision History

1. Key Features

Linked Prim Controller is very useful script for designers that make Glasses, Prim Skirt, Belt, Necklace, Piercing, Jewelry, Furniture, etc.

▶ ONE FINAL SCRIPT except extension script.
▶ All-in-One Linked Prim Controller Script,
• Prim Scale Resizer
• Texture Changer
• Color Changer
• Position Changer
• Light and Light Color Changer
• Transparency(Alpha, Visibility, Show/Hide) Changer
• Shiny(Shine, Shininess) Changer
• Glow Changer
• Full Bright Changer
▶ Simultaneous Control function.
▶ Custom Menu function.
• Support llMessageLinked and Custom Menu Handler Script Sample.
▶ Remote Control function
▶ Landmark and(or) Notecard guide giver function via Extension script(SD_LPE05_LNgiver included).
▶ Walk sound control function via Extension script(SD_LPE06_WalkSoundControl included).
▶ Photo(user's own) change function via Extension script(SD_LPE07_PhotoChanger included).
▶ User Access Control(Owner Only / Group Only / Everyone) function. (Optional)
▶ All child prims at the same time or selected individual prim control function
▶ Support Root prim control (Optional, default off)
▶ Support one or multi face control of texture
▶ Group Prim Control function that user defined.
▶ Notecard Configuration for full optimization.
• All options are editable.
▶ Support basic HUD control.
▶ Menu Lock function for End User (Optional)
▶ Revert Size Option (Optional)
▶ Delete Script Option for end user (Optional)
▶ Free Update Forever.
▶ And more...

[IMPORTANT!!!] Please check the following restrictions before use this scripts in your products.
▷ This script can't control a single prim.
▷ Texture Changer function supports only Texture UUID type. Texture Name can't use.
▷ Position of Root prim can't change.
▷ Please backup your original object before using this scripts.

2. What is in the package?

To unpack the package, Rez and click your product package([SD003] Linked Prim Controller).
And then, Click [Copy To Inventory] button in the "Object Contents" window, and it will unpack to a "[SD003] Linked Prim Controller" folder in your inventory.

The package contains the following contents :

▶ SD_LinkedPrimConfigLoader 3.x
: This is the script that will load "_config", "_config_RemoteControl", "_config_SimultaneousControl".
This is deleted automatically after load process is finished.
[Permission of this script ▸▸▸ modify-no, copy-ok, transfer-no]

▶ SD_LinkedPrimController 3.x
: This is the script that will control resize, properties change.
[Permission of this script ▸▸▸ modify-no, copy-ok, transfer-ok]

▶ SD_LinkedPrimController(R) 3.x
: This is the script that will control resize, properties change. This script includes remote control function for shoes.
[Permission of this script ▸▸▸ modify-no, copy-ok, transfer-ok]

▶ SD_LPE05_LNgiver 1.1
[Permission of this script ▸▸▸ modify-no, copy-ok, transfer-ok]

▶ SD_LPE06_WalkSoundControl 1.0
[Permission of this script ▸▸▸ modify-no, copy-ok, transfer-ok]

▶ SD_LPE07_PhotoChanger 1.1
[Permission of this script ▸▸▸ modify-no, copy-ok, transfer-ok]

▶ _config
: This is a basic notecard configuration that is used for fully optimizing. In this notecard, you can turn function ON or OFF.
This is deleted automatically after load process is finished.

▶ _config_RemoteControl
: If you want to control separate objects at the same time, Please set the "_config_RemoteControl" notecard.

▶ _config_SimultaneousControl
: If you want to control more than two actions per click, please set "_config_SimultaneousControl" and put it into your product.

▶ _config_RootControlOn
: Put "_config_RootControlOn" notecard into your product if you want to control a linkset with root prim.

▶ _config_HudControlOn
: If you want to use HUD control function, put "_config_HudControlOn" notecard into your HUD part.

▶ _config_MenuLockOff
: If you don't want to use "Menu Lock" option, put "_config_MenuLockOff" notecard into your product.

▶ _config_RevertOff
: If you don't want to use "Revert Size" option, put "_config_RevertOff" notecard into your product.

▶ _config_DeleteOff
: If you don't want to use "Delete" option, put "_config_DeleteOff" notecard into your product.

▶ _config_AccessOn
: If you want to use User Access Control(Owner Only / Group Only / Everyone) function, put "_config_AccessOn" notecard into your product.

▶ SD003 Updater 3.x
: Rez this updater and touch, and you will automatically receive a new update via "SD Product Update Server".

▶ Various sample object made by Linked Prim Controller Script.

▶ SD Linked Prim Controller Guide Notecard

3. Using the LPCS(Linked Prim Controller Script)

3.1 Installation Procedure

Please do following steps :

[1] Rez the object that you want to use the LPCS(Linked Prims Controller Script).
[2] Put "_config" notecard and 2 scripts(SD_LinkedPrimController 3.x, SD_LinkedPrimConfigLoader 3.x) in the content of the root prim.
[3] Touch the object and press "Load" button in the pop-up menu. Please wait a second.
[4] Change the permission of the scripts after loading finish. And then, take your object into your inventory. All Done!

[Note] Please use new "_config" notecard in the package. Don't use old "_config" you have from previous releases.
[Note] Please backup "_config, _config_RemoteControl, _config_SimultaneousControl" notecard before loading.
"SD_LinkedPrimConfigLoader 3.x" script and "_config" notecard are deleted automatically after load process is finished.
[Note] If you change size or position of linkset after you finish setup process, you need to load "_config" again.
[Note] If you want to use special feature like Remote Control, Simultaneous Control,
please put a related notecard into the root prim and load it with SD_LinkedPrimConfigLoader 3.x and _config.
[Note] The product MUST be given out as NO MODIFY because all settings in script's memory are deleted when user does a script reset.
[Note] Don't copy through SHIFT+DRAG at inworld after you finish all setup, or all settings in script's memory memory will be deleted.

3.2 Using an option menu

"Menu Lock", "Revert Size", "Delete", "Access"(Optional) options are in the "Options" menu.

(1) Using the "Menu Lock" function

Select [Options] - [Menu Lock] on the pop-up menu, and pop-up menu does not open when user clicks the product.
If you want to use again a pop-up menu, please double-click on your object.

(2) Using the "Revert Size" function

Select [Options] - [Revert Size] on the pop-up menu, and user can return to initial state of the object.
This option is automatically added when the resize function is used.

(3) Using the "Delete" function

Select [Options] - [Delete] on the pop-up menu, and user can delete all Linked Prim Controller scripts in the object.

(4) Using the "Access" function

Select [Options] - [Access] on the pop-up menu, and show [Owner Only], [Group Only] and [Everyone] menu.
If you select [Group Only] menu, group members control object. If you select [Everyone], all resident can control object.
If you want to control only yourself, select [Owner Only] menu.
[Note] [Options] menu can only be controlled by object owner.

3.3 How to set "User Access Control" function?

Put "_config_AccessOn" notecard into your product if you want to use this feature, and "Access" option menu is automatically added.
[Note] Attached object can be controlled by the only owner.
[Note] This function doesn't need to load "_config" again.

3.4 How to hide an option menu?

If you don't want to use "Menu Lock" option, put "_config_MenuLockOff" notecard into your product.
If you don't want to use "Revert Size" option, put "_config_RevertOff" notecard into your product.
If you don't want to use "Delete" option, put "_config_DeleteOff" notecard into your product.
[Note] You don't need to load "_config" again.
[Note] If you delete "_config_MenuLockOff", "_config_RevertOff", "_config_DeleteOff", you can use "Menu Lock", "Revert Size", "Delete" option again.

3.5 How to control root prim?

Put "_config_RootControlOn" notecard into your product if you want to control a linkset and the root prim.

* SAMPLE -->> Please see "[Sample] Armchair".

4. Setting up "_config" notecard configuration

Options in the "_config" notecard consist of a command, then a colon, then the specific details.
[e.g.] Use Color Option : Y

[Note] Don't insert space, slash(/), or comma(,) in the option value.
[Note] Don't change configuration order.
[Note] Don't edit command(variable name) like "Use Scale Option".
[Note] Don't delete hyphen(-) in front of command(variable name).

Some basic things to remember :
▷ Each command must be listed on its own line.
▷ Each command line cannot take up any more than 255 characters.

4.1 How to set USE or UNUSE of function?

* If you want to use Scale Option, set to "Y". Like this --> Use Scale Option : Y
* If you don't want to use Scale Option, set to "N". Like this --> Use Scale Option : N
When you do this, the Scale menu does not show up on the pop-up menu.

4.2 How to set MAIN MENU LABEL?

If you want to change "Scale" label of Main Menu to "Resize", set to "Resize". Like this --> Main Menu Label : Resize

4.3 How to set target for controlling?

(1) All Prims

* If you want to control All Prims, set to "Y". Like this --> Control All Prims : Y
When you do this, it is added as "All Prims" on the menu.
* If you don't need to control All Prims, set to "N". Like this --> Control All Prims : N

(2) Individual(This) Prim

* If you want to control Individual(This) Prim, set to "Y". Like this --> Control This Prim : Y
When you do this, it is added as "This Prim" on the menu.
* If you don't need to control This Prim, set to "N". Like this --> Control This Prim : N

(3) Group Prims

Group is a set of prims you want to control.
To control group prims, please write group keyword in the Name field of the General tab.
And write a group keyword in the "Control Group Prims" option of "_config" notecard.

* If you want to set "Frame" and "Lens"(except quotation mark) group keyword in the Glasses creation,
please write an option value like this.

Control Group Prims : Frame, Lens

When you do this, it is added as "Frame" and "Lens" on the menu.

* If you want to set "Frame"(except quotation mark) group keyword in the Glasses creation,
please write an option value like this.

Control Group Prims : Frame

When you do this, it is added as "Frame" on the menu.

[Note] Since the script uses comma(,) to separate each group, please don't use a comma in your group keyword.
[Note] Controlling Group, you can use up to 9 or more(within 255 characters in each line).
[Note] Please see �� of "[Sample] Glasses" for more information.

[Useful Tip] How to use a Tag Function
You can control child prims with a keyword. Therefore, you can simultaneously control more than two groups.
When you set the name of child prims as a "Lens(R)", you can use the name of group keyword as a "Lens", "Lens(R)".

[e.g.] To control "Lens", "Lens(R)" parts, please set as the following eample in the "_config".
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : Lens, Lens(R)

When you do this, it is added as "Lens", "Lens(R)" on the menu for changing a control target.
Therefore, when you select "Lens" menu, you can change all prims including "Lens" keyword.
If select "Lens(R)" menu, you can only control prims including "Lens(R)" keyword.

4.4 What is "Option Label" and "Option Value"?

If you want to use resize option like "+1%, +3%, +5%, -1%, -3%, -5%", please set to "+1% / +3% / +5% / -1% / -3% / -5%".
Like this --> Scale Option Label : +1% / +3% / +5% / -1% / -3% / -5%

And set option value correspond to option label.
Like this --> Scale Option Value (%) : 1 / 3 / 5 / -1 / -3 / -5

[Note] Don't insert space(" "), slash(/) or comma(,) in the option value.

4.5 How to set Texture Option Value?

Texture options for each group can be up to 9 or more(within 255 characters in each line).
Each group can use different textures because it supports a different texture of 27 in the "Texture Option Value 01"~"Texture Option Value 27".

First of all, write UUID of texture that you want to use in the "Texture Option Value 01"~"Texture Option Value 27".
If your texture UUID is "5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f " and Option Label is "Blank",
please set to "Blank/5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f ".

Like this --> Texture Option Value 01 : Blank/5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f

[Format] ---------Texture Option Value 01 : Texure Option Label/Texture UUID

[Note] Don't insert space(" "), slash(/) or comma(,) in the option value.
[Note] If necessary, you can add more texture options within free memory of the script, like this....
---------Texture Option Value 28 :
---------Texture Option Value 29 :
---------Texture Option Value 30 :
---------Texture Option Value 31 :

4.6 How to set Texture Option Label?

When you have finished the configuration for Texture Option Value, you must write a texture option label.

When you set Target for controlling and Texture Option Value Like this,

------Control All Prims(Use Label For All Prims) : N
------Control This Prim(Use Label For This Prim) : N
------Control Group Prims(Group1, Group2, ..., Group9) : Frame

If you want to use "Blank, Wood, Gold" texture options for "Frame" group, set like this.

// Please write your texture option label.
---------Texture Option Label (For All Prims) :
---------Texture Option Label (For This Prim) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group1) : Blank / Wood / Gold
---------Texture Option Label (For Group2) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group3) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group4) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group5) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group6) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group7) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group8) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group9) :

// Please write your texture option value.
---------Texture Option Value 01 : Blank / 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f
---------Texture Option Value 02 : Wood / 89556747-24cb-43ed-920b-47caed15465f
---------Texture Option Value 03 : Gold / 867657f3-8db2-a04e-1116-4b8ff1d3a52f
---------Texture Option Value 04 :
---------Texture Option Value 05 :
---------Texture Option Value 06 :

[Note] Texture Option Label and Value name have to match and are case sensitive.
[Note] Don't insert space(" "), slash(/) or comma(,) in the option label.

4.7 How to set Color option value?

From v2.0, you have to use RGB color value. Vector color value is not supported anymore.
[e.g.] white color value of old version : <1,1,1> / white color value of this version : <255,255,255>

4.8 How many options can be used on the pop-up menu?

- Scale Option : Maximum 9
- Shininess Option : Maximum 4
- Glow Option : Maximum 9
- Full Bright Option : Maximum 2
- Transparency(Alpha) Option : Maximum 9
- Color Option : Maximum 16 or more
- Texture Option : Maximum 9 or more
- Light Option : Maximum 9

[Note] Except for Texture Option, All Options use same option every control target(All Prims, This Prim, Group that user defined).

5. Additional Setup Guide for power user

5.1 How to use "Remote Control" function?

If you want to control separate object at the same time, you have to set the "_config_RemoteControl" notecard.

* SAMPLE -->> Please see ��, �� (for Left Chair), �� (for Right Chair) notecard
and to understand how to work, rez "[Sample] Remote Control (Chair Left) " and "[Sample] Remote Control (Chair Right)" and use it.

Back up your original object before using this function.
If you use incorrectly, your object may change to a strange shape.

(1) Setting up "_config_RemoteControl" notecard

For example, Let's assume that you are making shoes with this scripts.
For each side of shoes, you have to make 2 different "_config_RemoteControl" notecards.
The settings are all same except for the TARGET NAME" part.

This configuration notecard is for "Left Shoe" --> ��
This configuration notecard is for "Right Shoe" --> ��

The following setting of "_config_RemoteControl" notecard is for making a submenu of [Select Parts] menu.
The example below will show a menu button "Select Parts", and then "Both Shoes", "Left Shoe" and "Right Shoe" on the submenu.


You can change the option value of the first command line. [e.g.] Both Shoes --> Shoes
But the rest option value have to match the "TARGET NAME" of each "_config_RemoteControl" notecard.

(2) Installation Procedure

Let's still assume that you are making shoes with these scripts.

Installation of Left Shoe :
[1] Put "_config" and "_config_RemoteControl" for Left Shoe in the root prim of Left Shoe Object.
[2] Put 2 scripts(SD_LinkedPrimConfigLoader 3.x, SD_LinkedPrimController(R) 3.x) in the root prim of Left Shoe Object.
[3] Touch Left Shoe and select [Load] menu. Please wait a second.
[4] Change the permission of the scripts after loading finish. All Done!

Installation of Right Shoe :
[1] Put "_config" and "_config_RemoteControl" for Right Shoe in the root prim of Right Shoe Object.
[2] Put 2 scripts(SD_LinkedPrimConfigLoader 3.x, SD_LinkedPrimController(R) 3.x) in the root prim of Right Shoe Object.
[3] Touch Right Shoe and select [Load] menu. Please wait a second.
[4] Change the permission of the scripts after loading finish. All Done!

5.2 How to use "Simultaneous Control" function?

Now, designers can control more than two action at the same time.
If you want to use this function, please set "_config_SimultaneousControl" and put it into your product. (NEED TO LOAD)

Back up your original object before using this function.
If you use incorrectly, your object may change to a strange shape.

* SAMPLE -->> Please see ��, �� notecard and "[Sample] Armchair"

(1) How to set "_config_SimultaneousControl"?

When you select "Gold" texture for "Frame" group, if you want to change to "Silver" texture of "Lens" group at the same time.
Please write a command as the following.

2009-=-Frame-=-Gold : 2009-=-Lens-=-Silver

[Note] If you change "Silver" texture for Lens group,
you have to set like this in the _config. -->> ---------Texture Option Value 04 : Silver/d96b54da-ae84-d7f5-15e9-7d611561fcde

When you select "Gold" texture for "Frame" group, if you want to change to "Gray" color of "Lens" group at the same time.
Please write a command as the following.

2009-=-Frame-=-Gold : 2008-=-Lens-=-<33,33,33>

When you select "Hide" alpha option for "Frame" group, if you want to hide "Lens" group at the same time.
Please write a command as the following. (0 means that hide, 100 means that show)

2007-=-Frame-=-Hide : 2007-=-Lens-=-0

How to use multiple change at the same time?
If you want to change 3 parts at the same time, please put "/"(forward slash) between each command.
Please write a command as the following.

2007-=-Frame-=-Hide : 2007-=-Lens-=-100 / 2008-=-Lens-=-<33,33,33> / 2009-=-Lens-=-Silver

[Note] Each command must be listed on its own line in the "_config_SimultaneousControl" notecard.
[Note] Each command cannot take up any more than 255 characters. (It's a Second Life Limit.)

(2) Command Format

* selected function command : function commands running at the same time
* Number Code-=-Control Target-=-Final Option Label : Number Code-=-Control Target-=-Final Option Value

<Number Code> means the following...
2001 : Scale
2004 : Shiny
2005 : Glow
2006 : Full Bright
2007 : Alpha
2008 : Color
2009 : Texture
2010 : Light

<Control Target> means that your group name or "All Prims".

<Final Option Label> means that label like Texture Name, Color Name of button.

<Final Option Value> means the following...
If the value is alpha or glow, set the integer between 0(hide) and 100(show).
If the vaue is color, set the RGB color like <255,255,255>.
If the value is texture, set the Texture Option Value Name of _config notecard.

[Note] Don't insert space, slash(/), comma(,) or colon:)) in the command.

5.3 How to use "Custom Menu" function?

If you have some skill with scripting, you can control your extension script via llMessageLinked.
llMessageLinked use -2802003 to communicate.

Please set Y and menu name(e.g. Bling) you want in the _config(��) notecard before loading.

// Custom Menu #1 (Controlled by llMessageLinked)
Use Custom Menu : Y
---Main Menu Label : Bling

And put your extension script into linkset. Please see ��

5.4 How to use "HUD control" function?

[Note] Please load product and HUD setting at inworld. When you attach your product or HUD and load notecard configuration, setup may fail.

(1) HUD Setup : �� (for HUD)

Put "_config, _config_RemoteControl, _config_HudControlOn" notecards and
"SD_LinkedPrimController(R) 3.x, SD_LinkedPrimConfigLoader 3.x" scripts into HUD and load them.
[Note] HUD can not control "This Prim" part.

(2) Remote Object Setup : �� (for left shoe), �� (for right shoe)

Put "_config, _config_RemoteControl" notecards and
"SD_LinkedPrimController(R) 3.x, SD_LinkedPrimConfigLoader 3.x" scripts into object and load them.

5.5 How to use "Texture Face Control" function?

If you want to change a face of an object, please set a face number at the end of "Texture Option Value".

To add face number 0, add ^0 at the end of "Texture Option Value", and "Blank" texture changes only 0 (zero) face of an object.
[e.g.] ---------Texture Option Value 01 : Blank/5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f^0

Without face number or if you set ^-1, texture change whole face of an object.
[Note] Don't insert space letter in front of ^ and between ^ and face number.
[e.g.] ---------Texture Option Value 01 : Blank/5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f^0 <-- correct
[e.g.] ---------Texture Option Value 01 : Blank/5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f ^0 <-- incorrect
[e.g.] ---------Texture Option Value 01 : Blank/5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f^ 0 <-- incorrect
[e.g.] ---------Texture Option Value 01 : Blank/5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f ^ 0 <-- incorrect

To control multi face, add comma(,) between face number.
For example, if you want to control three faces and those are 0,1,3, please add ^0,1,3 at the end of "Texture Option Value"
[e.g.] ---------Texture Option Value 01 : Blank/5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f^0,1,3 <-- correct

If you are unsure about which face number to use, please see "7.3 Finding the value of a face".

5.6 How to use "SD_LPE05_LNgiver" extension script?

Please do the follwoing steps :
[1] Put your notecard guide and(or) landmark into your product.
[2] Put "SD_LPE05_LNgiver" extension script into your product.
[3] Open "_config" and edit as the following example. You can change menu name.(Help -> New name as you want)
// Landmark & Notecard Giver (Controlled by SD_LPE05_LNgiver)
Use Extension 05 : Y
---Main Menu Label : Help
[4] Please do load.

* SAMPLE -->> Please see "[Sample] Glasses".

5.7 How to use "SD_LPE06_WalkSoundControl" extension script?

This extension detects walking, running, crouchwalking, turning left, turning right.
So when running, sound play interval becomes [walking interval x 0.5]
and when crouchwalking, sound play interval becomes [walking interval x 1.5].
turning left, turning right is the same as walking interval.

To use this extension script,
[1] Put sound into your object.
[2] Add next configuration and load it(_config).

// Walk Sound Control (Controlled by SD_LPE06_WalkSoundControl)
Use Extension 06 : Y
---Main Menu Label : Walk Sound

[Note] You can change main menu label as you want.
[Useful Tip] ▸▸▸ I recommend you use a sound with short duration like "Button_click_down" sound. ��

5.8 How to use "SD_LPE07_PhotoChanger" extension script?

This extension can be used when you make a pendant or photo frame that can display a texture/photo(user's own).
[Note] This extension can't change a face of the root prim.
[Note] This extension allows end user to put their texture/photo into no-modify object.

To use this extension script,
[1] You have to set keyword starting with "pces-"(excluding quotation marks).
For example, if you want to display a texture(selected via menu) on a face 0 of specific child prim,
set "pces-0" in the name field of child prim. "pces-a" setting change all faces.
[2] Please add next configuration and load it(_config).

// Photo Changer (Controlled by SD_LPE07_PhotoChanger)
Use Extension 07 : Y
---Main Menu Label : Photo
[Note] you can change main menu label as you want.

6. Troubleshooting

6.1 Script is not working

CASE01 : You are in script not allowed area.
-->> Move to script allowed area and try again.

CASE02 : Did you copy through SHIFT+DRAG at inworld after finishing setup?
-->> Because copied object through SHIFT+DRAG at inworld cannot maintain data saved in memory through loading a notecard configuration.
If you need a copy, please copy an item and paste it in your inventory or use [Take copy] menu.

If script is not working after you check above cases, please send me your configuration(_config or _config_RemoteControl/_config_SimultaneousControl) notecard.
I will check it. And then I will reply to you. Most of problems occur because of an incorrect notecard configuration.

6.2 "Found incorrect configuration in the _config. There is no colon:)) letter in 116 line." error message

If you get an error message when loading configuration notecard, please make command line to one line.

Next command line is incorrect because of line break.

---------Texture Option Value 06 :

Above command line must be changed like this.

---------Texture Option Value 06 : Pink/e4399526-d360-2a78-0376-aa45882789c6

6.3 Scale of root prim does not change when resizing

Put "_config_RootControlOn" notecard into your product if you want to control the linkset root prim.

6.4 Menu does not show up

After setup process, if menu does not show up, please check your product inventory in the content tab.
If "_config" and "SD_LinkedPrimConfigLoader 3.x" are there, please delete them.

6.5 I can't find extension script

"SD_LPE05_LNgiver", "SD_LPE06_WalkSoundControl", "SD_LPE07_PhotoChanger" scripts are included in the package.
But "SD_LPE02_SculptMapChanger" extension script is not included in the package. It is sold seperately.

6.6 "Updater" does not work

If "SD003 Updater" does not work and you can't receive new version,
please send me IM or Notecard with "SD003 Updater does not work" message.

6.7 What is UUID?

Please see "http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Uuid"

6.8 "Setup Unstable (Memory isn't enough)" alert message

When you finish loading _config, if you got "Setup Unstable!(Memory isn't enough)" alert message.
This alert message means that you are using too many option(maybe, regarding texture option or Simultaneous Control setting).
First, take your object into your inventory.
And then rez or wear it and use all options(especially Resize and Texture parts) via menu.
If you see "Script run-time error" and "Stack-Heap Collision" error message, you need to reduce the number of options in _config.
If not, you may ignore "Setup Unstable!(Memory isn't enough)" alert message.
OR consider using [SD014 or SD015] to prevent script error from lack of free memory.

6.9 "Script run-time error" and "Stack-Heap Collision" error message

If there isn't free memory, this error message occurs.
To solve this problem, you need to reduce an options of _config.
OR consider using [SD014 or SD015] to prevent script error from lack of free memory.

6.10 When I choose texture, turns gray

It's not a bug of controller scripts. Most of problems occur because of an incorrect notecard configuration.
Please send me your configuration notecard(_config). I will check it. And then I will reply to you as soon as possible.
OR please read "4.5 How to set Texture Option Value?" and "4.6 How to set Texture Option Label?" of guide.

7. Tip and Tech

7.1 Fast loading of _config.

If you have not used some options (like glow, shiny, etc), please delete their configuration parts, and loading speed is faster.

7.2 Don't copy through SHIFT+DRAG at inworld after finishing setup

Because copying an object using SHIFT+DRAG inworld can not maintain data saved in memory through loading a notecard configuation.
If you need a copy, please copy an item and paste it in your inventory.

7.3 Finding the value of a face

If you are unsure about which face number to use, following these steps will give you the face number to use.

[1] Enable the Advanced menu by pressing CTRL+ALT+D
[Note] If you are using VIEWER 2.1, Enable the Develop menu by pressing CTRL+ALT+Q
[2] Select the Face Using the "Select Texture" Tool

The face number will be shown in your local chat window or Notifications window(in VIEWER 2.1).

Free Update

I can not send an update package or news to all of my customer manually. I'm so sorry.
Please rez "SD003 Updater" that you can find in your product package,
and the latest version will be sent via "SD Product update Server".


Do you have problems or suggestions or questions using this product?
Please send notecard or IM to Socool Destiny. I'll do my best to help you. : )


▶ These scripts can be used to make your product.
▶ You can sell these scripts as a part of your product.
▶ It is not permitted to resell or distribute the scripts themselves with copy and transfer permissions.
▶ It is not permitted to sell these scripts as a part of your full perm template product.

Revision History

Also ich finde es gut beschrieben.
Es sagt Dir was Du in die Konfigurationsnotizen einzutragen hast, was für was ist, und wie es dann funktionieren sollte.

ok, bin nun auch selbst scripter, aber für mich liest es sich verständlich.
Ich verstehe dich noch immer nicht ganz, Joker.

Wenn du nur bei einem Objekt die Farbe oder die Textur ändern willst, machst du das einfacher im Baumenü.

Wenn du das Objekt verkaufen willst und der nächste Owner soll das können, dann lies dir zur Installation des Scripts den Abschnitt 3, zur Änderung der Textur Abschnitt 4.5 und 4.6 durch und zur Änderung der Farbe Abschnitt 4.7
Ja Habe es 5 mal durchgelessen und ich kapier nicht was er von mir will Also ich versuche es noch mal....

Ich habe zb Ein Schrank das hat 50 Regale und jetzt möchte ich das jede 2tes Regal das script hat also das es die Textur und Farbe wechselt etc..nur wies sich nicht wie ich das machen soll in der NC Das ich dem Script sage das ich jedes 2te Objekt möchte und nicht das es bei jedem Objekt die Textur und Farbe etc... wechselt so ist...

Ich verstehe dich noch immer nicht ganz, Joker.

Wenn du nur bei einem Objekt die Farbe oder die Textur ändern willst, machst du das einfacher im Baumenü.

Wenn du das Objekt verkaufen willst und der nächste Owner soll das können, dann lies dir zur Installation des Scripts den Abschnitt 3, zur Änderung der Textur Abschnitt 4.5 und 4.6 durch und zur Änderung der Farbe Abschnitt 4.7
Abschnitt 4.3:

(3) Group Prims

Group is a set of prims you want to control.
To control group prims, please write group keyword in the Name field of the General tab.
And write a group keyword in the "Control Group Prims" option of "_config" notecard.

Du mußt also die Bretter dementsprechend als z.B. Gruppe1 benennen und das dann in der Notecard eintragen
Ich versuche es jetzt Schon 2 std nur finde ich Das nicht wo ich es eintragen muss :S in der nc die ist da unten auch noch drin... die prims heissen jetzt Gruppe 22... nur wo soll das rein :S

// [Note] Don't insert slash(/) or comma(,) in the option value. Don't change configuration order. Don't edit variable name.
// Scale Setting (Maximum : 9 options)
Use Scale Option : Y
---Main Menu Label : Resize
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : N
---------Scale Option Label : +1%/+5%/+10%/-1%/-5%/-10%
---------Scale Option Value (%) : 1/5/10/-1/-5/-10

// Position Setting (Maximum : 9 options)
Use Position Option : N
---Main Menu Label : Position
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : N
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : N
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : N
---------Position Option Label : Backward/Left/Down/Forward/Right/Up
---------Position Option Value (meter) : <-0.01,0,0>/<0,-0.01,0>/<0,0,-0.01>/<0.01,0,0>/<0,0.01,0>/<0,0,0.01>

// Rotation Setting (Maximum : 9 options) - Current not available in this version
Use Rotation Option : N
---Main Menu Label : Rotation
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : N
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : N
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : N
---------Rotation Option Label : X(+5deg)/Y(+5deg)/Z(+5deg)/X(-5deg)/Y(-5deg)/Z(-5deg)
---------Rotation Option Value (degree) : <5,0,0>/<0,5,0>/<0,0,5>/<-5,0,0>/<0,-5,0>/<0,0,-5>

// Shiny Setting (Maximum : 4 options)
Use Shiny Option : Y
---Main Menu Label : Shiny
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : N
---------Shiny Option Label : Low/Medium/High/None
---------Shiny Option Value (integer, 0~3) : 1/2/3/0

// Glow Setting (Maximum : 9 options)
Use Glow Option : Y
---Main Menu Label : Glow
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : N
---------Glow Option Label : OFF/1%/2%/3%/4%/5%/7%/9%/10%
---------Glow Option Value (%, 0~100) : 0/1/2/3/4/5/7/9/10

// Full Bright Setting (Maximum : 2 options)
Use Full Bright Option : Y
---Main Menu Label : Full Bright
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : N
---------Full Bright Option Label : ON/OFF
---------Full Bright Option Value (Boolean, 0 or 1) : 1/0

// Alpha Setting (Maximum : 9 options)
Use Alpha Option : Y
---Main Menu Label : Alpha
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : N
---------Alpha Option Label : 0%/10%/20%/30%/40%/50%/70%/90%/100%
---------Alpha Option Value (%, 0~100) : 0/10/20/30/40/50/70/90/100

// Color Setting (Maximum : 16 options, 8 options per each label/value line. If you use label 1 of 2, you can use 9 options.)
Use Color Option : Y
---Main Menu Label : Color
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : N
---------Color Option Label (1 of 2) : White/Black/Gray/Red/Green/Blue/Yellow/Pink/Brown
---------Color Option Label (2 of 2) :
---------Color Option Value (1 of 2) : <255,255,255>/<0,0,0>/<90,90,90>/<255,0,0>/<0,255,0>/<0,0,255>/<255,255,0>/<255,153,255>/<153,102,0>
---------Color Option Value (2 of 2) :

// Texture Setting (Maximum : 9 options per each group or if each line does not exceed 255 characters, you can use more options.)
Use Texture Option : Y
---Main Menu Label : Texture
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : Y
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : N

// Please write your texture option name. USE SHORT Option name. Each line does not exceed 255 characters.
---------Texture Option Label (For All Prims) : Pink/Wood/Plastic/Blank
---------Texture Option Label (For This Prim) : Silver/Gold/Plastic/Blank
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword1) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword2) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword3) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword4) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword5) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword6) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword7) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword8) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword9) :

// Please write your texture option value/UUID. [Note] Texture Label and Value name have to match because of case sensitive. [Format] Texture Option Label/Texture UUID
---------Texture Option Value 01 :
---------Texture Option Value 02 :
---------Texture Option Value 03 :
---------Texture Option Value 04 :
---------Texture Option Value 05 :
---------Texture Option Value 06 :
---------Texture Option Value 07 :
---------Texture Option Value 08 :
---------Texture Option Value 09 :
---------Texture Option Value 10 :
---------Texture Option Value 11 :
---------Texture Option Value 12 :
---------Texture Option Value 13 :
---------Texture Option Value 14 :
---------Texture Option Value 15 :
---------Texture Option Value 16 :
---------Texture Option Value 17 :
---------Texture Option Value 18 :
---------Texture Option Value 19 :
---------Texture Option Value 20 :
---------Texture Option Value 21 :
---------Texture Option Value 22 :
---------Texture Option Value 23 :
---------Texture Option Value 24 :
---------Texture Option Value 25 :
---------Texture Option Value 26 :
---------Texture Option Value 27 :

// Light Setting (Maximum : 7 options)
Use Light Option : N
---Main Menu Label : Light
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : N
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : N
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : N
---------Light Option Label : Level1/Level2/Level3/Level4/Level5
---------Light Option Value (<Intensity, Radius, Falloff>) : <0.2,4,0.5>/<0.4,8,0.5>/<0.6,12,0.5>/<0.8,16,0.5>/<1,20,0.5>
------------Use Light Color Option (Y/N) : N
------------Light Color Option Label : White/Red/Green/Blue/Yellow/Pink
------------Light Color Option Value : <255,255,255>/<255,0,0>/<0,255,0>/<0,0,255>/<255,255,0>/<255,153,255>

// Sculpted Alphabet Changer (Controlled by SD_LPE02_SculptMapChanger)
Use Extension 02 : N
---Main Menu Label : Initials

// Landmark & Notecard Giver (Controlled by SD_LPE05_LNgiver)
Use Extension 05 : N
---Main Menu Label : Help

// Walk Sound Control (Controlled by SD_LPE06_WalkSoundControl)
Use Extension 06 : N
---Main Menu Label : Walk Sound

// Photo Changer (Controlled by SD_LPE07_PhotoChanger)
Use Extension 07 : N
---Main Menu Label : Photo

// Texture Changer (Controlled by SD014 or SD015)
Use Extension 08 : N
---Main Menu Label : Texture

// Custom Menu (Controlled by llMessageLinked)
Use Custom Menu : N
---Main Menu Label :
schau mal so kann das ganze aussehen, ich hab da 2 Gruppen Border und Flowers, Border hat 2 Texturen zum wechseln und Flowers 3

Use Texture Option : Y
---Main Menu Label : Texture
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : N
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : N
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : Border, Flowers

// Please write your texture option name. USE SHORT Option name. Each line does not exceed 255 characters.
---------Texture Option Label (For All Prims) :
---------Texture Option Label (For This Prim) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword1) : Border01/Border02
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword2) : Flower01/Flower02/Flower03
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword3) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword4) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword5) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword6) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword7) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword8) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword9) :

// Please write your texture option value/UUID. [Note] Texture Label and Value name have to match because of case sensitive. [Format] Texture Option Label/Texture UUID
---------Texture Option Value 01 : Border01/ hier Textur UUID
---------Texture Option Value 02 : Border02/ hier Textur UUID
---------Texture Option Value 03 :
---------Texture Option Value 04 :
---------Texture Option Value 05 :
---------Texture Option Value 06 :
---------Texture Option Value 07 :
---------Texture Option Value 08 :
---------Texture Option Value 09 :
---------Texture Option Value 10 : Flower01/ hier Textur UUID
---------Texture Option Value 11 : Flower02/ hier Textur UUID
---------Texture Option Value 12 : Flower03/ hier Textur UUID
---------Texture Option Value 13 :
---------Texture Option Value 14 :
---------Texture Option Value 15 :
---------Texture Option Value 16 :
---------Texture Option Value 17 :
---------Texture Option Value 18 :
---------Texture Option Value 19 :
---------Texture Option Value 20 :
---------Texture Option Value 21 :
---------Texture Option Value 22 :
---------Texture Option Value 23 :
---------Texture Option Value 24 :
---------Texture Option Value 25 :
---------Texture Option Value 26 :
---------Texture Option Value 27 :
Wow das wahr es was mir gefehlt hat Danke an euch alle :) ich glaube ich kann jetzt auch bei den anderen die dinger immer wechseln und auch selber schreiben... zb All prims weg machen und Nur linked weg machen so das nur Meine eigene Einstellung wählbar ist.?

schau mal so kann das ganze aussehen, ich hab da 2 Gruppen Border und Flowers, Border hat 2 Texturen zum wechseln und Flowers 3

Use Texture Option : Y
---Main Menu Label : Texture
------Control All Prims(If you set to Y, this makes "All Prims" menu button, Y/N) : N
------Control This Prim(If you set to Y, this makes "This Prim" menu button, Y/N) : N
------Control Group Prims(Group Keyword1, Group Keyword2, ..., Group Keyword9) : Border, Flowers

// Please write your texture option name. USE SHORT Option name. Each line does not exceed 255 characters.
---------Texture Option Label (For All Prims) :
---------Texture Option Label (For This Prim) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword1) : Border01/Border02
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword2) : Flower01/Flower02/Flower03
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword3) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword4) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword5) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword6) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword7) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword8) :
---------Texture Option Label (For Group Keyword9) :

// Please write your texture option value/UUID. [Note] Texture Label and Value name have to match because of case sensitive. [Format] Texture Option Label/Texture UUID
---------Texture Option Value 01 : Border01/ hier Textur UUID
---------Texture Option Value 02 : Border02/ hier Textur UUID
---------Texture Option Value 03 :
---------Texture Option Value 04 :
---------Texture Option Value 05 :
---------Texture Option Value 06 :
---------Texture Option Value 07 :
---------Texture Option Value 08 :
---------Texture Option Value 09 :
---------Texture Option Value 10 : Flower01/ hier Textur UUID
---------Texture Option Value 11 : Flower02/ hier Textur UUID
---------Texture Option Value 12 : Flower03/ hier Textur UUID
---------Texture Option Value 13 :
---------Texture Option Value 14 :
---------Texture Option Value 15 :
---------Texture Option Value 16 :
---------Texture Option Value 17 :
---------Texture Option Value 18 :
---------Texture Option Value 19 :
---------Texture Option Value 20 :
---------Texture Option Value 21 :
---------Texture Option Value 22 :
---------Texture Option Value 23 :
---------Texture Option Value 24 :
---------Texture Option Value 25 :
---------Texture Option Value 26 :
---------Texture Option Value 27 :

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