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[Viewer 2 Tipp] Library verstecken im Inventar

Kila Shan


The Library shown in My Inventory is a recurring point of confusion: it's not actually part of your inventory, just a common resource — like a shared drive. In other words, the Library has example content you can use, but not modify.
I occasionally get messages saying, "Why are your photos in my inventory?" Turns out they're referring to snapshots I contributed to the Library's Photo Album folder as examples of beautiful inworld photography.
Another confusion: while Library items appear as part of your total inventory item count — 1,248 as of this writing — they don't actually eat up extra space for each Resident's account. Still, this can make your inventory seem more bloated than it actually is.
Anyway, in the fresh Viewer 2.1 Alpha, the Library is now highlighted differently so you can see it easier.
And if you'd rather not see the Library, you can easily hide it:

  1. Enable the Advanced menu.
  2. Choose Advanced > Debug Settings.
  3. Type noinventoryLibrary. It autocompletes.
  4. Select TRUE.
  5. Close the DEBUG SETTINGS window and restart the Viewer.
More background info in "How does the Library work?", altho that page needs to be updated fully for Viewer 2.


Kurzanleitung auf Deutsch:

1. Advanced Menü einblenden Strg+Alt+D
2. Wähle Advanced > Debug Settings
3. Schreib noinventoryLibrary. Rest wird vervollständigt
4. Wähle True
5. Schliesse das Debug setting Fenster und mache ein relog

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