(From Cory
Linden [libary:76ff49d51d]Synonym für [LindenLab]. Wird im Zusammenhang mit der [Währung] [Lindendollar] oder auch als [Nachname] [Linden] für [Administratoren] in [SecondLife][/libary:76ff49d51d] at a Town Hall on 12/03/04):
Every user gets a set number of traffic points to give out during the 24 hours between midnight and midnight.
Any parcel of land that the user spends more than 5 sequential minutes on gets counted as a place that they spent time. [Separate] parcels owned by the resident (or group) are counted as if they were the same parcel.
The user's points are then evenly divided between those parcels. So, if I was online for 1 hour and spent 20 minutes on resident A's parcel and 40 minutes on resident B's parcel, resident A would get 33% of my points and resident B would get 66%. Alternately, if I only spent 5 minutes online and spent all of it on resident A's land, she would receive all of my points.